Journey Above the Earth, Diary of a Swallow

  • 1 190 ₽
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Moscow, Gorky Park
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St. Petersburg, New Holland Island
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  • Year: 2021
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: Самокат
  • ISBN: 9785001670704
  • Page: 48
  • Cover: hardcover
  • About the Book

As autumn sets in and the weather is getting colder, so the journey starts every year of thousands of swallows flying from Europe to Africa, in search of warmer climates. Follow one of them and its companions, as they leave Ireland, flying over cities, mountains, sea, desert and jungle to get to destination. A long trip full of excitement, discoveries and dangers for a little bird. Debut album of Russian ornithologist Pavel Kvartalnov and talented illustrator Olga Ptashnik, the book has been selected amongst 350 projects for the “DPictus Unpublished Picturebook Showcase”, to take place at the 2019 Frankfurt Bookfair.

1 190 ₽ 1 070 ₽