Kusma Petrow-Wodkin
- Year: 1986
- Language: German
- ISBN: 2000005591846
- Page: 304
- Cover: hardcover
- About the Book
The book is dedicated to one of those art reformers who sought to renew the artistic language without destroying the humanizing foundations of traditional Russian culture. More than a hundred illustrations demonstrate the diversity and breadth of the creative range of K. S. S. С. Petrov-Vodkin. The author of the paintings "Bathing a Red Horse", "Mother", "Noon. Summer", "1918 in Petrograd", "Death of a Commissar", he was the creator and wonderful portraits, still lifes, monumental-decorative and theatrical works. Possessing a bright literary gift, the artist wrote several plays, stories, autobiographical books. Art, believed the artist, - is the only link that connects man with the mysteries of the universe. And therefore it is the eternal path of man, the eternal struggle for new revelations. "Coming culture to replace the ancient is the culture of planetary-organic" - so formulated in 1924 his understanding of the evolution of artistic form Petrov-Vodkin.