Walter Benjamin
Walter Benjamin was a German philosopher, theoretician of culture, literary critic, writer and translator. His early works are devoted to German romanticism and German baroque drama. He became famous through the reception of his essay ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’ and his manuscript ‘On the Concept of History’, which was published posthumously.
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Franz Kafka
680 ₽
680 ₽
610 ₽
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Московский дневник
680 ₽
680 ₽
610 ₽
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680 ₽
680 ₽
610 ₽
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680 ₽
610 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price
680 ₽
610 ₽
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Девять работ
750 ₽
750 ₽
670 ₽
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Out of stock
410 ₽
360 ₽
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Moscow Diary
Out of stock
470 ₽
420 ₽
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