GARAGE x HSE Notebook
This A5 notebook with unruled pages is made of recycled paper as part of Garage’s
sustainable development program. Ten percent of the proceeds from sales will be
donated to Endowment 2 within Garage Endowment Fund.
Special collection GARAGE x HSE
This line of clothing and accessories is produced for the Museum’s academic program.Ten percent of the proceeds from sales will be donated to Endowment 2 within Garage
Endowment Fund. The investment income from Endowment 2 will be spent on grants for students on the MA program Curatorial Practices in Contemporary Art, paid internships for academic program participants, the creation of a special professional library, and the publication of The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture.
The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture
Garage’s master’s program Practices of Contemporary Art and Curatorship