Garage × A.D.E.D long-sleeve tee

  • 6 000 ₽
  • 5 400 ₽
1 500 ₽ × 4 when you pay using Dolyame

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and the A.D.E.D. creative collective’s joint capsule collection released to coincide with the 2nd Garage Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art. The print design is based on the designs of various posters created by A.D.E.D. Wrapping envelopes for the garments are made from advertising banners of the Museum’s past exhibitions.

We recommend
7 250 ₽ 6 520 ₽
7 500 ₽ 6 750 ₽
7 640 ₽ 6 870 ₽
6 000 ₽ 5 400 ₽