The Garage Journal Reader

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  • Year: 2021
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: GARAGE
  • ISBN: 9785604538272
  • Page: 464
  • Cover: paperback
  • Series: The Garage Journal
  • Edition: 1000
  • Format: 148×210/38
  • Editor: Безуглов Д., Робакидзе А., Конрадова Н.
  • Designer: Моллакаев А.
  • Translator: Гараджа А., Глебовская А., Матвеева А., Шестаков А.
  • About the Book

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and The Garage Journal have published a reader on the subject of accessibility and inclusion in contemporary art and culture. The editor of the publication is Dmitry Bezuglov, who is a translator, journalist, and the curator of the public program of the Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art. 


The reader brings together texts about a single subject written in varying genres and styles, including artistic, scientific, and journalistic. In today's world, where the legitimacy of metatheories is constantly being reviewed and where individual voices and stories are increasingly being heard, it seems important to reinstate the reader format in research practice. Against a background of multiplying information flows and the need to navigate through them, this seemingly long-forgotten medium has acquired special relevance. Creating an opportunity for an inter- and transdisciplinary study of a phenomenon, such publications give readers an idea of ​​its complexity and a variety of approaches to understanding it. Dmitry Bezuglov writes in his introductory essay “At Home in the Museum”: “Following in the footsteps of the authors of the first issue of The Garage Journal, I address the notion of the museum, those who work in it, those who visit it, the institution’s fluid identity, and the multitude of elements that the institution is made up of.”

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