Picasso’s Never Heard of Us. 18+
- Year: 2018
- Language: Russian
- Publisher: GARAGE
- ISBN: 9785990971615
- Page: 168
- Cover: paperback
- Series: Гараж.txt
- Edition: 1000
- Format: 130×195/11
- Editor: Суверина К.
- Designer: Кондаков А.
- About the Book
"Art also suffers from the hectic activity that a simple-minded admirer of contemporary art believes to be its essence, mistaking this needless fuss for the search for new knowledge."
Picasso’s Never Heard of Us is a collection of articles on the culture of the four decades from the 1960s to the early 2000s by artist and critic Vladimir Salnikov. Mixing analysis with autobiographical elements, the book offers the reader an opportunity to revisit each decade and see it from the point of view of a contemporary observer and a participant in many of the events described.
Salnikov’s writings look into a wide variety of art phenomena, from various periods in the history of twentieth century art (and post-war art in particular) to particular artists of various generations, exhibitions and new trends, strategies and movements that emerged in Russian art.