An Open-Ended Story. Contemporary Russian Art in Persons

  • 850 ₽
  • 760 ₽
213 ₽ × 4 when you pay using Dolyame
  • Year: 2021
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: GARAGE
  • ISBN: 9785604538227
  • Page: 380
  • Cover: paperback
  • Series: Гараж.txt
  • Edition: 3000
  • Format: 130×195/25
  • Weight: 500g
  • Editor: Дубицкая О., Сидакова М.
  • Designer: Кондаков А.
  • About the Book

The ninth publication in the GARAGE.txt series looks at contemporary Russian artists. 


It is no longer possible to answer, in the manner of Wikipedia, the question “What style does this artist represent?” The era of styles is over. But the artists remain. As far as Russian art is concerned, everything is especially compelling and confusing. Our creators’ concepts and views on the universe change like the weather. A Russian artist rarely belongs to a particular style or movement. They all belong to the artist. For a Russian artist, there are no established rules (and nor can there be), as they constantly “fall out” of the movement or style attributed to them.


This is why the “portrait” genre seemed the most appropriate approach to describing the vital, dynamic, and constantly evolving phenomenon that is contemporary art.

850 ₽ 760 ₽