Архитектура Дома Наркомфина вчера и сегодня
- Year: 2023
- Language: Russian
- Publisher: GARAGE
- ISBN: 9785604935927
- Page: 260
- Cover: paperback
- Edition: 2500
- Format: 120×210/20
- Editor: Дубицкая О.
- Designer: Кондаков А.
- About the Book
Garage publishing program
This book by architectural historians Elena Ovsyannikova and Nikolai Vasiliev explores the residential complex best known as the Narkomfin Building, a unique work of architecture.
Today, thanks to reconstruction work undertaken between 2016 and 2020, it has been born again. The authors discuss the original design and the difficulties of constructing the complex using the latest technologies of the time. To do this they use a wide range of new archive materials and demonstrate the broad professional context in which the Narkomfin Building existed, including buildings in other cities of the USSR and international, mainly European, experience. The restoration of this unique building is covered in a separate chapter.
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