Violetta and the Lost Garden

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  • Year: 2020
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: Самокат
  • ISBN: 9785917599878
  • Page: 448
  • Cover: hardcover
  • About the Book

Nobody knows when the Lost Garden came into being. Nobody knows by what laws it exists and what happens in it when the hero leaves him.

This book is an initiation journey that begins with a simple escape, and turns into an exciting quest against your own imagination. Here everything is true and everything is as in a dream; here time flows by chance, and the familiar world becomes unusual; trees and people, stones and animals - everything here breathes, speaks and feels. Here, what was previously frightening makes you stronger; here you are capable of what you would never have dared before. One has only to want ...

In the wonderful world of the Lost Garden, where the girl Violetta, like Alice once, finds herself in the world of her fantasies, doubts and fears, we are invited by the writer Paul Martin - he has more than a hundred books translated into 15 languages - and the artist Jean-Baptiste Bourgeois, creator of striking worlds, inspired by contemporary art.

This book was published in 2018 and was successful not only in France - in a year it was translated into 6 languages. It is suitable for both independent and family reading: it tells adults about children, and children ... children - about themselves.

1 260 ₽ 1 130 ₽