The Lonely Whale In The World
- Year: 2020
- Language: Russian
- Publisher: Mann, Ivanov, Ferber
- ISBN: 9785001464426
- Page: 71
- Cover: hardcover
- About the Book
Lilia is a gorgeous girl who keeps a lighthouse standing alone at the beach. The lighthouse is the house and workplace of Lilia. When the night begins, or when the fog is heavy, go up to the top of the lighthouse and turn on the light. Lilia has a lot of time alone. Dad takes a yellow submersible to the distant ocean and observes and studies the creatures there.
And when I come back for a long time, I am excited to hear about the various adventures Ive been through. Then one day, my dad releases the secret I loved and loved. Its a story of a giant, out-of-the-way whale thats obviously somewhere deep in the sea, but has not seen it yet. It s a whale that always swims alone and sing a sad song. Do you think that he resembles himself as the lighthouse alone? Lilia and the lonely whale have a signal that they can only know and approach each other. Even though the winter landscape of the lonely Arctic region is the main background, it is a book that turns out the more you turn the pages, thanks to the pictures and the pictures that express your childs delicate mind and rich imagination.