Moominpappa's Memoirs

  • 660 ₽
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  • Year: 2018
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: Azbuka
  • ISBN: 9785389140035
  • Page: 224
  • Cover: hardcover
  • About the Book

Enhanced with Tove Jansson's simple, sprightly drawings, this series of delightful stories about life in Moomin Valley has enchanted audiences around the world for more than 70 years.

Before he had a family, Moominpappa led a life of adventure and intrigue. But he's never told his story until now. He has a bad cold, and it's the perfect time to remember his youthful endeavors and to ponder the experiences which have made him the remarkable Moomin he is.

660 ₽ 590 ₽