Graphic Style: From Victorian to Hipster (Second Edition)
- Year: 2016
- Language: Russian
- Publisher: Издательство Студии Артемия Лебедева
- ISBN: 9785980621001
- Page: 320
- Cover: hardcover
- About the Book
The book is concerned with the history and evolution of graphic design from the beginnings of commercial art as a result of industrial and business revolution of the 19th century and up until today. The edition examines both major graphic styles that have shaped the history of design, including their propagation, individual development and application in various countries, and unique isolated phenomena in graphics, such as Polish posters.
The authors concentrate on formal and visual characteristics of various design periods, the objects of their study are works of design, not their creators.
The second edition includes a new chapter, Hipster Style. In it, the authors analyze the graphic design of the 2010s which, in their opinion, is characterized not so much by style, but rather by a special free worldview brought about by the technical achievements of the era.