Full Color Illustrations of the Fourth Dimension
- Year: 2018
- Language: Russian
- Publisher: Синдбад
- ISBN: 9785906837509
- Page: 240
- About the Book
Visualize hypercheckers and hyperchess in the 4th dimension, rotate a Rubik's hypercube, stack tesseracts together to build a hyperpyramid or a hypercross, view a hypertable with hyperchairs, climb hyperstairs, open the hyperdoor to a hyperhouse, watch hypertelevision, read a hyperbook, arrange glomes in a 4D lattice structure to create hypercrystals, stack hyperfruits at a hypersupermarket, record the position of a hyperstar with hypercelestial coordinates, make a hypermap using hypercompass directions, watch a spinning hyperplanet with tilt revolve around a hypersun, see a sample alphanumeric system for writing and arithmetic in 4D space, line up a shot on a hyperbilliards table, enjoy hyperbowling or hypertennis, and contemplate an object's reflection from a hyperplanar or hyperspherical mirror - all on this colorful journey through the fourth dimension. Each page consists of colorful images of four-dimensional objects with a paragraph caption describing the figures at the bottom.