Fiesta: The Branding and Identity for Festivals
- Year: 2018
- Language: English
- Publisher: Promopress
- ISBN: 9788416851362
- Page: 240
- Cover: hardcover
- About the Book
Fiesta: Branding and Identity of Festivals is a compilation of remarkable branding designs and campaigns for a variety of renowned festivals from around the world. The festivals examined span the worlds of music, cinema, design, gastronomy, culture, and art. These topics, and the freedom of creativity that come with them, allow to explore the limits of design, without the restraints that come with commercial projects. The identity and communication campaign strategies deployed by festivals encompass an endless array of design techniques, from graphic elements such as logos, posters, web pages, advertisements, mobile apps, tickets, and wristbands to collectible items like T- shirts, bags, and cups. This volume will inspire and serve as a useful tool for graphic designers and branding agencies that seek to handle challenging and wide-ranging festival projects with the highest degree of creativity and imagination, as well as for festival organizers and anyone interested in visual culture in general and eager to learn about new trends. The events featured show that the success of a festival has a close connection to its tailor- made branding and design and that no matter what the subject of the festival is, it is essential to have a coherent identity strategy.