One  Summer with Homer

  • 630 ₽
  • 560 ₽
158 ₽ × 4 when you pay using Dolyame
  • Year: 2019
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: Ad Marginem
  • ISBN: 9785911034993
  • Page: 168
  • Cover: paperback
  • About the Book

Reading the Iliad and the Odyssey is like reading a daily newspaper. These world newspapers, written once and for all, bring the recognition that under the sun of Zeus nothing changes: man remains true to himself, a majestic and desperate animal, radiant with light and full of mediocrity. Homer allows us to save on newspaper  subscriptions. In these words shines light, belonging to the world, tenderness towards animals, the forest - in short, the sweetness of life. Can’t you hear the music of the waves when you open those two books? Of course, sometimes it is covered by the noise of weapons. But it always comes back, that love song addressed to our piece of life on Earth. Homer is a musician. We live in the echo of his symphony. For months I inhaled the Homeric rhythm, listened to the chanting of verses, dreamed of battles and boardings. The Iliad and the Odyssey soon taught me a better life. Among other things, they interpreted our present. It is an ancient miracle. Two thousand five hundred years ago, a poet, several thinkers, philosophers thrown (or landed) on the gravel of the Aegean Sea gave the world teachings whose sharpness has not diminished over the centuries! The Greeks teach us about what we have not yet become.

630 ₽ 560 ₽