Новое в архитектуре социалистических стран Европы

  • 1 200 ₽
  • 1 080 ₽
300 ₽ × 4 when you pay using Dolyame
  • Year: 1971
  • Language: Russian
  • ISBN: 2000005592836
  • Page: 240
  • Cover: hardcover
  • About the Book

The architecture of the socialist countries of Europe (Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia) clearly demonstrates the advantages of the socio-economic social order established in these countries after the Second World War.

The planned system of national economy made it possible to eliminate the consequences of the war in a short period of time. Wide construction of industrial enterprises and engineering facilities was launched, new socialist cities were laid out, residential complexes were built, the centers of large cities were reconstructed, and architectural monuments were restored.

1 200 ₽ 1 080 ₽