Pavel Pepperstein. Flower Fields. 18+

  • 4 000 ₽
  • 3 600 ₽
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Moscow, Gorky Park
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Moscow, Narkomfin Building
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St. Petersburg, New Holland Island
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  • Year: 2020
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: Artguide Editions
  • ISBN: 9785604123287
  • Page: 888
  • Cover: hardcover
  • About the Book

Flower Fields, a monograph by Pavel Pepperstein, is an extraordinary and multi-faceted book. On the one hand, it provides a glimpse into the life and work of the renowned artist, writer, cinematographer, rapper and fashion designer Pavel Pepperstein, while on the other it represents a bold (and secretly provocative) experiment in the field of book design. A monograph in two volumes, it is an example of half autobiographical (retrospective) and half utopian (perspective) self-commentary and philosophical comprehension of the art process, both in the strictly individual sense and the socially significant.

4 000 ₽ 3 600 ₽