Guy Debord
- Year: 2015
- Language: Russian
- Publisher: Ad Marginem
- ISBN: 9785911032319
- Page: 192
- Cover: paperback
- About the Book
Andy Merrifield’s biography of Guy Debord is a short, but richly-detailed history of one of the 20th century’s greatest intellectual revolutionaries, whose ideas remain relevant today. Through this philosophical biography, we see a unique slice of social activism in post-war Europe.
Guy Debord was a remarkable author, filmmaker, philosopher, revolutionary, and provocateur, famous for his involvement in French politics and culture in the postwar period. A founding member of the Situationist International (1957), he was a dedicated proponent of the idea of a cultural and social revolution, shared by many in the second half of the 20th century. Debord’s text The Society of the Spectacle (1967) became a classic, but his life was surrounded by mystery and controversy: not a recluse by nature, he spent his last years with his wife Alice Becker-Ho in the isolated village of Champot, rarely left his house and hardly saw anyone.
Andy Merrifield captures the life of the famous philosopher, starting from the days of his youth spent in his beloved old Paris, which failed to survive Le Corbusier’s intervention, and his involvement with the Letterists. He proceeds to discuss Debord’s life and work in the years of the Situationist International, his role in the civil unrest of the 1968, and his life in the 1970s, when he traveled around Italy and Spain. The book ends with an overview of Debord’s last years in Champot, where he retreated to concentrate on the fundamental questions of global social re-organization.
Merrifield’s dense narrative offers a unique insight into the social activism of postwar Europe seen through the prism of Debord’s biography. His discussion of The Society of the Spectacle, quotes from Spanish poetry, anthropological notes on the Gypsy culture, and allusions to the history of the Middle Ages add to the depth of his analysis: not a single detail that could have had an effect on Debord’s character, habits, ideas, or theories is overlooked.
Merrifield’s take on Debord’s biography is a rich story of an outstanding thinker and revolutionary of the past century, whose ideas have never lost their relevance.