Rhythm in Architecture

  • 2 410 ₽
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  • Year: 2019
  • Language: Russian
  • Publisher: Ginzburg Architects
  • ISBN: 9785990901506
  • Page: 120
  • Cover: paperback
  • About the Book

Rhythm in Architecture is the first ever translation into English of a key early Modernist text, written by the celebrated Soviet Constructivist architect Moisei Ginzburg and first published in Russian as Ritm v Arkhitekture in 1923. Ginzburg is most famous for his Narkomfin Building in Moscow, completed in 1932, which he described as a “social-condenser”: a radical experiment in communal living. While Ginzburg’s second book Style and Epoch, published in 1924, is often seen as the manifesto for Russian Constructivism, Rhythm in Architecture ― which preceded it ― can be seen as his attempt to create a synthesis in thinking about architecture as a whole, seeking to show how “the true essence of all works of architecture” are ”inspired by the laws of rhythm”.

2 410 ₽ 2 160 ₽