Posthuman Architecture: A Catalogue of Archetypes
Moscow, Gorky Park
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Moscow, Narkomfin Building
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St. Petersburg, New Holland Island
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- Year: 2021
- Language: English
- Publisher: ORO
- ISBN: 9781954081215
- Page: 239
- Cover: paperback
- About the Book
This is why this book collects, reconstructs, and discusses archetypal models of posthuman architecture, from the cabin of Henry David Thoreau to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. To show how architectural, landscape, and industrial designers, be they professional practitioner or not, redefined their tools in order to meet the functional and symbolic needs of new and different kinds of subjects. All this in ten monographic architectural tales, thought to trace the evolution of an extended idea of coexistence between humans and other species and technologies.
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