Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes is a French literary critic, philosopher, and semiotician, whose ideas influenced the development of structuralism. Barthes explored diverse cultural spheres as semiotic systems and studied the relationship between language and authority. His seminal early works include Writing Degree Zero (1953), Mythologies (1957), The Fashion System (1967), and S/Z (1970).
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980 ₽
980 ₽
880 ₽
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750 ₽
670 ₽
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750 ₽
670 ₽
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980 ₽
880 ₽
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Империя знаков
750 ₽
750 ₽
670 ₽
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750 ₽
670 ₽
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The Third Meaning
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200 ₽
180 ₽
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How to Live Together
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340 ₽
300 ₽
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A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments
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520 ₽
460 ₽
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Cy Twombly
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470 ₽
420 ₽
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Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes
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470 ₽
420 ₽
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