John Berger
John Berger is an English writer, painter and art critic. His novel G won the 1972 Booker prize, and his essay on art criticism Ways of Seeing – written as an accompaniment to the BBC Documentary series of the same name – is still widely used as an essential academic reading. A staunch Marxist, Berger devoted enormous time and effort to studying labor migration in Europe and the decline of the European peasantry. Berger has also written a survey about Ernst Neizvestny entitled Art and Revolution: Endurance and the Role of the Artist
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Landscapes: John Berger on Art
3 180 ₽
3 180 ₽
2 860 ₽
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Why Look at Animals
750 ₽
750 ₽
670 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price

Hold Everything Dear
750 ₽
750 ₽
670 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price

Uses of Photography
750 ₽
750 ₽
670 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price

A Fortunate Man
830 ₽
830 ₽
740 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price
810 ₽
720 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price
380 ₽
340 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price

Portraits: John Berger on Artists
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2 390 ₽
2 150 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price

Uses of Photography
Out of stock
550 ₽
490 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price

Bento’s Sketchbook
Out of stock
480 ₽
430 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price

Why Look at Animals?
Out of stock
350 ₽
310 ₽
GARAGE cardholder price