Gaston Bachelard
1884 – 1962
Gaston Bachelard was a French philosopher and literature critic. His most important work is on poetics and the philosophy of science. Bachelard was hugely interested in the concept of epistemology. The influence of his thought can be felt in all disciplines of the humanities (art, architecture, literature, poetics, psychology, philosophy and language.) During his lifetime Gaston Bachelard wrote 23 books concerned with the philosophy of science and the analysis of the imagination of matter. Bachelard's work deals with many other topics, including poetry, dreams, psychoanalysis, and the imagination. The Psychoanalysis of Fire (1938) and The Poetics of Space (1958) are among the most popular of his works.
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The Poetics of Space
830 ₽
830 ₽
740 ₽
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