Buddha Notecards

  • 1 620 ₽
  • 1 450 ₽

Mindfulness, yoga, meditation, simple living—many paths lead back to Buddha, the timeless spiritual icon whose enlightened worldview has inspired countless followers around the world. This beautiful notecard set includes four thoughtful quotes from Buddha, and each card can be paired with a colorful photographic envelope as timeless as his words.

1 620 ₽ 1 450 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
Парк Горького
Крымский вал, 9 строение, 32
+7 (495) 645-05-21Варианты проезда
Дом Наркомфина
Новинский бульвар, д. 25, к. 1
+7 (495) 532-73-54Варианты проезда
остров Новая Голландия
наб. Адмиралтейского канала, д. 2А
+7 (812) 207-12-71Варианты проезда