Running Wild: Inspirational Trails from Around the World

  • 3 630 ₽
  • 3 260 ₽
  • Год: 2022
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: Thames & Hudson
  • ISBN: 9780500295618
  • Страниц: 256
  • Обложка: мягкая
  • О книге

Trail running is as simple as it sounds: just put one foot in front of the other, somewhere unpaved and outdoors. The opportunities it presents are endless, with a wide variety of routes that stretch over mountains, forests, and deserts, in hot climates and frigid ones, through some of the most wild and beautiful places on Earth.

Running Wild highlights the most exciting trail runs from around the world, from the heights of the Alps and the snowy expanses of the Arctic to the jungles of Latin America and the outback Down Under. Each destination is brought to life by a different trail runner, showcasing exactly what makes each location so spectacular, as well as providing practical information to keep you moving on the ground. Stunning photography provides inspiration in every chapter, revealing the breathtaking experiences that anyone can access with just a pair of shoes and the will to explore.

The trails in this book offer unparalleled experiences. They encourage novices and experts alike to get into nature, create new physical experiences, be in the moment―and arrive in a different mental space.

3 630 ₽ 3 260 ₽
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