On the Road in Europe

  • 8 360 ₽
  • 7 520 ₽
Москва, Парк Горького
В наличии в магазине
Москва, Дом Наркомфина
Нет в наличии в магазине
Санкт-Петербург, Новая Голландия
Нет в наличии в магазине
  • Год: 2024
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: Lannoo
  • ISBN: 9789089899774
  • Страниц: 256
  • Обложка: твердая
  • О книге

Over the past 15 years, Sabine de Milliano has driven through all the countries of Europe, covering a distance of over 150,000 km. As a photographer she is constantly in search of the most beautiful views and spectacular roads, interspersed with visits to cozy villages and lively cities. Sabine shares her favorite road trips in Europe and offers lots of inspiration to anyone who wants to make an unforgettable journey by car. With colorful photography, clear maps and plenty of tips for hikes and trips, she helps you design your own road trip through the old continent. From a surprisingly spectacular week in the Benelux to a month through the Balkans: after reading this book you want nothing more than to pack your bags and get in the car!

8 360 ₽ 7 520 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
Парк Горького
Крымский вал, 9 строение, 32
+7 (495) 645-05-21Варианты проезда
Дом Наркомфина
Новинский бульвар, д. 25, к. 1
+7 (495) 532-73-54Варианты проезда
остров Новая Голландия
наб. Адмиралтейского канала, д. 2А
+7 (812) 207-12-71Варианты проезда