Graphic Fashion: Design, Illustration & Trends
- Год: 2005
- Язык: английский
- Издательство: Promopress
- ISBN: 9788493640866
- Страниц: 176
- Обложка: твердая
- О книге
This book presents the latest graphic trends, prints, and patterns in the world of fashion design. It offers a rich library of quirky and original illustrations, all of which can also be used as a vast source of design inspiration for T-shirts, street wear, accessories, footwear and even high fashion couture. Graphic Fashion examines the e-designs of thirty-three international, young artists, who are all emerging talents in the world of fashion.

Искусство дизайнера
3 480 ₽
3 480 ₽
3 130 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
2 380 ₽
2 140 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
12 630 ₽
11 360 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
1 690 ₽
1 520 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE