The Lion Tattoo: A Tale by Rumi

  • 1 450 ₽
  • 1 300 ₽
  • Год: 2017
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: Thames & Hudson
  • ISBN: 9781910328286
  • Страниц: 24
  • Обложка: твердая
  • О книге

The Lion Tattoo is a tale from Masnavi, one of the best-known and most influential works by the thirteenth century poet, philosopher and Sufi mystic Rumi . The story begins with a young man who decides that he wants a lion tattoo on his shoulder. Perhaps because he wants to be big and strong - or maybe so he’s always got someone watching his back. But as the tattooist begins her work, he feels the pain of the needle and decides that his lion doesn’t need a tail...or a mane...or a stomach. But who’s ever heard of a lion like that?! Finally, the tattooist has enough of his complaints and throws him out: “Brother, you just can’t stand the pain...” Tiny Owl’s new series celebrates picture books for older readers and the art of visual narrative.

1 450 ₽ 1 300 ₽
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