World of Ornament (Bibliotheca Universalis)

  • 3 940 ₽
  • 3 540 ₽
  • Год: 2021
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: TASCHEN
  • ISBN: 9783836556255
  • Страниц: 824
  • Обложка: твердая
  • О книге

Discover a world of decorative ideas with this compendium of history’s most elegant patterns and ornamental designs.


The World of Ornament brings together the two greatest encyclopedic collections of ornament of the 19th century: Auguste Racinet’s L’Ornement polychrome Volumes I and II (1875–1888) and Auguste Dupont-Auberville’s L’Ornement des tissus (1877) to provide one lavish source book spanning jewelry, tile, stained glass, illuminated manuscript, textile, and ceramic ornament.


Encompassing classical, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Etruscan, Asian and Middle Eastern, as well as European designs from medieval times through the 19th century, this compilation of cultures and aesthetics offers a primary reference for artists, historians, designers, and patternmakers, and anyone engaged in decorative design and impact.

3 940 ₽ 3 540 ₽
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