Mobile Homes. Transportable, Tiny, Lightweight

  • 2 470 ₽
  • 2 220 ₽
  • Год: 2019
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: Monsa
  • ISBN: 9788416500383
  • Страниц: 144
  • Обложка: твердая
  • О книге

The newest architectural trend: rolling houses in the most literal sense of the word. If not built on wheels, other forms of mobile home can easily be carried on a truck and moved to the places their owners desire. These tiny houses include main spaces that function as both kitchen and living room, tend to have a small loft for the bedroom, and are best used to store only those items with an essential use.

9 720 ₽ 8 740 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
6 340 ₽ 5 700 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
5 910 ₽ 5 310 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
2 470 ₽ 2 220 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
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