Anna Spiro: A Life in Pattern

  • 8 150 ₽
  • 7 330 ₽
  • Год: 2022
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: Thames & Hudson
  • ISBN: 9781760761509
  • Обложка: твердая
  • О книге

A Life in Pattern is the highly anticipated interior design monograph of Anna Spiro, master of the showstopping interior.

Anna Spiro is the founder of Anna Spiro Design and co-founder of Anna Spiro Textiles, interiors and textile design companies that celebrate her signature aesthetic. Her globally adored style is unapologetically maximalist and a paean to comfort, as evidenced in her collaborations with de Gournay, Anthropologie and Designer Rugs. Her devotion to the craft of working with pattern on pattern on pattern, combined with her intuitive layering of colours, objects old and new, art, books and foraged treasures, creates irrepressible spaces that sing with individuality.

Featuring over 250 photographs, this is a sourcebook of inspiration and joy. A Life in Pattern showcases the kind of artistry that can only come from an interior designer at the height of their powers.

4 500 ₽ 4 050 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
9 920 ₽ 8 920 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
11 790 ₽ 10 610 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
8 150 ₽ 7 330 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
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