Freud (Masters of Art Series)

  • 1 500 ₽
  • 1 350 ₽
  • Год: 2020
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: Prestel
  • ISBN: 9783791386270
  • Страниц: 112
  • Обложка: мягкая
  • О книге

Lucian Freud dedicated his life to portraying the people in his world without flattery or refinement. Although his technique and style evolved tremendously over the decades, Freud never wavered in his uncompromising standards or unsentimental approach to his subjects. This introduction to Freud's life and oeuvre opens with an illuminating essay that explores how Freud's adherence to realism and focus on the human figure moved him in and out of the spotlight until the 1980s when renewed international interest in painting and figuration gave his work a new significance. Stunning reproductions of key works are presented chronologically, allowing readers to see how Freud's brushwork, composition, and use of light evolved over the decades. Whether he was painting members of the royal family or the cashier at a London nightclub, Freud imbued his portraits with psychological tension, humanity, and a profound interest in the relationship between painter and model.

1 500 ₽ 1 350 ₽
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