Art Deco Sculpture

  • 15 560 ₽
  • 14 000 ₽
  • Год: 2016
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: Thames & Hudson
  • ISBN: 9780500239483
  • Страниц: 408
  • Обложка: твердая
  • О книге

A groundbreaking encyclopedic study of Art Deco sculpture from the 1920s and 1930s by the author of Art Deco Complete.


This book showcases and puts into historical context a host of sculpted works created in the 1920s and 1930s in the decorative vernacular defined loosely today as “Art Deco.” The works shown demonstrate a broad range of styles and influences: from the chevrons, sunbursts, maidens, fountains, floral abstractions, and ubiquitous biche (doe) of the Parisian geometric style to the crisp, angular patterns of the zig-zag, jazz-age, streamlined aesthetic to which architects were drawn towards 1930.


The author organizes his subject into three main categories: the first features work by avant-garde sculptors (Csaky, Janniot, Pompon, and others); the second shows commercial sculpture, comprising mainly large-edition statuary, commissioned by éditeurs d’art and foundries from sculptors as decorative works for the burgeoning 1920s domestic market; while a final, third category covers architectural and monumental sculpture from around the world.

With artists’ biographies, details of manufacturers, a full glossary, and a thematic index, this volume is the essential and authoritative guide for all those interested in the Art Deco style.

6 820 ₽ 6 130 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
7 820 ₽ 7 030 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
4 690 ₽ 4 220 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
15 560 ₽ 14 000 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
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