Mamma Andersson: A Storm Warning

  • 10 080 ₽
  • 9 070 ₽
2 520 ₽ × 4 при оплате «Долями»
Москва, Парк Горького
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Москва, Дом Наркомфина
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Санкт-Петербург, Новая Голландия
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  • Год: 2024
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: David Zwirner Books
  • ISBN: 9781644231241
  • Страниц: 56
  • Обложка: твердая
  • О книге

"What Mamma Andersson does in some of these pictures is on the one hand depict the illusions, the one thing which is another thing—masks, theater, statues, paintings—and on the other portray that which is only itself, potted plants, tree trunks, trees, landscapes. Everything is motionless, these rooms are located out of time." —Karl Ove Knausgaard, Mamma Andersson: A Storm Warning

In a series of oneiric paintings inspired by interiors and the landscape of her childhood, the Swedish painter Mamma Andersson muses on the line between reality and illusion. She introduces thoughtful warm hues into an otherwise cool, muted color palette, lending an otherworldly feeling to the everyday scenes and subject matter that populate this new body of work, painted between 2020 and 2021.

A companion to Sleepless and The Lost Paradise, this publication features a commissioned essay by Karl Ove Knausgaard, a meditation on childhood memories of carefree exploration and the portal art creates between the world we live in and the worlds Andersson conjures with her brush.

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7 820 ₽ 7 030 ₽
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5 010 ₽ 4 500 ₽
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10 080 ₽ 9 070 ₽
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