Bridges: A History of the World's Most Spectacular Spans

  • 6 810 ₽
  • 6 120 ₽
1 703 ₽ × 4 при оплате «Долями»
Москва, Парк Горького
Нет в наличии в магазине
Москва, Дом Наркомфина
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Санкт-Петербург, Новая Голландия
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  • Год: 2017
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: Black Dog & Leventhal
  • ISBN: 9780316507943
  • Страниц: 176
  • Обложка: твердая
  • О книге

Including all-new photographs and the latest cutting edgework from today's international superstars of architecture and engineering, Bridges covers two-thousand years of technological and aesthetic triumphs, making it the most thorough, authoritative, and gorgeous book on the subject-as dramatic in presentation as the structures it celebrates. Breathtaking photographs capture the bridges' details as well as their monumental scale; architectural drawings and plans invite you behind the scenes as new bridges take shape; and lively commentary on each structure explores its importance and places it in historical context. Throughout, informative profiles, features, and statistics make Bridges an invaluable reference as well as a visual feast.

6 810 ₽ 6 120 ₽
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