Architectural guide Turin / Турин. Архитектурный путеводитель (Английский)

  • 1 660 ₽
  • 1 490 ₽
Москва, Парк Горького
Нет в наличии в магазине
Москва, Дом Наркомфина
В наличии в магазине
Санкт-Петербург, Новая Голландия
Нет в наличии в магазине
  • Год: 2016
  • Язык: английский
  • Издательство: DOM Publishers
  • ISBN: 9783869224114
  • Страниц: 232
  • Обложка: мягкая
  • О книге

Widely known as the Italian one-company town during the development of Fiat in the 20th century, Turin underwent a process of transformation roughly twenty years ago in its search for a new urban identity. The city, situated at the foot of the Alps, has become a laboratory for the reconversion of post-industrial heritage, also in part owing to the Winter Olympics Games that took place in 2006. The manifestations of change have left behind significant traces in its urban fabric. Besides its industrial history, Turin can also surprise with its Baroque architecture – which has brought the city to the forefront of international popularity among architects – and with masterpieces of Italian modern architecture, such as works by Pier Luigi Nervi and Carlo Mollino. The structure of this guide is based upon a sequence of 150 buildings, some dating from 1900. These are introduced in the form of a tour that starts in the Roman and Baroque centre and heads towards the city’s outskirts, encompassing Ivrea – the city built around the Olivetti – and the wineries in the Langhe region, recently recognised by UNESCO World Heritage.

1 660 ₽ 1 490 ₽
Цена по карте GARAGE
Парк Горького
Крымский вал, 9 строение, 32
+7 (495) 645-05-21Варианты проезда
Дом Наркомфина
Новинский бульвар, д. 25, к. 1
+7 (495) 532-73-54Варианты проезда
остров Новая Голландия
наб. Адмиралтейского канала, д. 2А
+7 (812) 207-12-71Варианты проезда